For the first time in my life, I'm truly afraid after reading all of these stories. My dad has become one of those lost to the abyss, but reading all of these posts echoes like those sad letters you see sometimes in the end of the world movies, where people are missing or they turned into zombies. Anyway, on to my own story, my dad...
My dad used to be a conservative Democrat, he voted against Trump in 2016, told me he hated the man with an unholy passion. Then all of a sudden, out of nowhere he called me somewhere in mid 2017, and the first words out of his mouth were, and I'm paraphrasing here, what a glorious god emperor Trump was.
I don't understand how this happened and I'm confused and heartbroken because of it, it's nice to know I'm not alone in this though, and maybe there's hope for him, because when I needed him, he was still there for me after I lost my job last year thanks to the pandemic.
I grew up in a Christian household, but when my dad started to become an evangelical, I dropped the religion, but I still remember everything my grandfather taught me about the bible, and one of the truly terrifying things, is the passage from Revelations about the Beast that was wounded and miraculously healed in three days. It echoes hauntingly, doesn't it? Because that literally happened with Trump catching covid-19, and when I pointed that out to my dad on the phone, he suddenly had other things to go do. After reading some of these other stories, I find myself wondering if maybe they're right about us being close to the end, just not in the way that they seem to think.