Screening and live discussion

Movies with Meaning is hosting a screening of the film, Friday, Mar 14 and Saturday, Mar 15, with live discussion on Sunday, Mar 16.

See the links below to join!

“Movies with Meaning” is hosting an online screening of “The Brainwashing of My Dad”, Friday and Saturday (links below)

Join us via ZOOM:

Sunday, March 16th, 4:30pm ET,
for a follow-up online discussion with the filmmaker and author, JEN SENKO (Register in advance)

CLICK the links below to join us!


(please register in advance):

Recent Events and Press

Visit the "BOOK and EVENTS" page for a complete list of past events, interviews, press and screenings

The Webby award-winning documentary is also a book!

visit the book page on this site for Details, listings of events & Interviews, & More Information about “The Brainwashing of My dad”

“Affecting …liberals will have their worst suspicions about the right-wing mediasphere confirmed.”
—Publishers Weekly

CLICK HERE to order at your favorite Independent Bookstore, or here to order on Amazon .
If your indie bookstore doesn't currently list it as available, ask them to add it. The book details are below:

Title: The Brainwashing of my Dad
Publisher: Sourcebooks (October 5, 2021)
ISBN#: 9781728239590

If you have a Goodreads account, add the book to your “Want to Read” list, and please recommend as a Must-Read!

JOIN our mailing list for updates on the film, the book, and related events and screenings.

A film that has already changed opinions and minds…
by Jen Senko

"I endorse this film wholeheartedly.  It gets to the heart of what is responsible for damaging the mental health of America."

Bandy Lee, M.D., M.Div.  Editor of the NYT bestselling book The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump,
and Assistant Clinical Professor in Law and Psychiatry, Author of the textbook Violence.

Ms Senko’s groundbreaking film examines the rise of right-wing media through the lens of her father, whose immersion in its daily propaganda had radicalized him. His new fanaticism rocked the very foundation of their family. She discovered that this phenomenon was occurring with alarming frequency in living rooms across America. The film reveals the consequences that this radicalized media is having on people, families, America, and the world.

By watching and sharing this film as widely as you can, you will be helping to educate others about the dangers of these weaponized media platforms being  operated by Fox News, Alex Jones, Rush Limbaugh and many other bad actors who seek a more bellicose and “dumbed down” public that is constantly being told to be angry at everything - rarely understanding that the real objective is to steer them toward voting for far right issues and candidates.

The more people this film reaches, the less power they will have to do that.  At the same same time, you’ll be contributing to Ms Senko’s next projects, all aimed at reforming our media and preventing this kind of propaganda in our society. We don’t just hope for you to watch and learn from this film. We hope for you to get others to watch and learn from it. And thank you for that.

Renting or buying the movie helps a lot.  But arranging screenings and helping us get this message out matters too.  

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